
...And We're Back!

We have been SO busy in the past week! We have Glitterati stuff going on, and we have both had our family visiting to help us plan our own weddings. We've had moms, dads and sisters in and out of town and we're finally getting back into the swing of things. Our past week has consisted of work + family + friends + celebration + food, food and more food... and we're not complaining!

Wedding Gowns... we could try them on every day and never tire of it!

Bridal Accessories... so many decisions to make.

Wedding Venues in Palm Springs... Emily is still deciding,
while Morgan has her venue in Hawaii all secured! 

Steak dinners with family, you can never go wrong. 

Lunches at Lemonade... always amazing. 


  1. Oh my! I wish all of my weekends looked like yours! How fab!

  2. Thanks for sharing the article!! I think finding event planner especially for wedding is most difficult task and best thing is to find the planner best event planner nyc from net searching. What is your opinion guy!!


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