
New Year, New Blog

Oh hello, fancy meeting you here. 

Welcome to our blog, people! Last year we started a company (read: Glitterati Events), which has been the craziest and greatest adventure ever... but we figured this year we should make our goals a little less weighty, so hey, why not start a blog? All the cool kids are doing it.

We're planning to post all kinds of eye candy imagery and general goodness, falling under these fun categories: parties, weddings, food/drink, design, fashion, beauty and whatever else strikes our fancy (and hopefully yours).

We're looking forward to this little passion project and we hope that our readers will enjoy this glimpse into our life & style!

Emily & Morgan
the glitterati girls
(Emily & Morgan)


  1. Oh how exciting and fun!!
    Can't wait to see what you ladies have in store!!
    I'm all about glitter!! Coral Café is undergoing a blog redesign and happens to be donning some glitters herself ;)

  2. Drew, we can't wait to see Coral Cafe's glittery new style! xo


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